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The Sé Cathedral of Lisbon

The Cathedral of Lisbon, also known as the church of Santa Maria Maior, was built in 1150, ordered by King Afonso Henriques, after three years of having successfully conquered the city. It is classified as a national heritage and one of the oldest medieval monuments...

What hides Mosteiro dos Jerónimos?

Anyone who comes to Lisbon wants to visit Mosteiro dos Jerónimos. That monument it is one of the most famous and represents the time of the discoveries. Considered a world heritage by UNESCO since 1983, it is a must for anyone who comes to the Portuguese capital. It...


Todos que conhecem Lisboa, quase com toda a certeza já ouviram falar do emblemático elétrico 28 da empresa Carris. É uma das atrações turísticas mais famosas e procurada na capital portuguesa, que quase se torna obrigatório dar um passeio por este lendário meio de transporte. É uma viagem no tempo